Hello everyone,
The prophecies of Zion’s return and the descriptions of the conditions on the earth when God’s people will simply give themselves to its physical building and working and living cooperatively…those prophecies stand as permanent testimonies that cannot be erased. The personal decision to work together with other like-minded saints is a physical response to Spiritual direction. Yes, God will again bring his Zion, AND he always uses people to do it. HE has the big overall plan and all of the small details. Every person involved already has important roles and duties, many of which we will discover or magnify “on the job”. It is the will and desire that qualifies people to do the work. This is the most exciting and fulfilling opportunity that exists among us. ‘Looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting, June 4th, which will, by the way, reveal part of God’s plan and practical means to put it into production.