There is great vision and determination scattered around the world to make God’s kingdom a reality. That should be no surprise, since “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” is clearly taught in the New Testament by Jesus to be prayed for, and Old testament prophets prophesied of it, also. There are even many people around the world presently that have been instructed by God to get to Missouri and even Jackson County and even Independence! You may have already heard some of this exciting information. There is an interview with Steve Ferguson revealing some of this information on Teacher in Zion podcast #32.

The time of international gathering of the innocent and obedient, the oppressed, the imprisoned, the tortured and those facing death is here. We, as a people have been instructed to provide a spiritual and physical refuge for this gathering. It is also made clear that if “we” don’t take this fact seriously, another people will do it. Either way, God will see that his work gets done by a willing and obedient people. Zion itself is a huge operation, yet composed of individuals personally dedicated to Christ’s plan. Each person has at least one special gift for the plan, and many have their special needs. Many workers for Zion will not be seen or recognized because of the nature of their given ministry. We can envision the Kingdom on earth as something that will happen in the future when…? Or we can see its present urgency and that our paths are prepared for those who will simply put themselves to work for it. Please investigate us and join us as we learn, work and fellowship as we cooperate for Zion.