
Dedicated to the “Hands-On” Work Necessary
for the Physical Reality of the Kingdom of God on the Earth


ZionWorks is a grass roots association or gathering of individuals who are dedicated to the “hands-on” work necessary for the physical reality of the kingdom on the earth, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Christ’s term for this kingdom on the earth, when its participants are dedicated to uncompromised obedience to celestial principles is “Zion”.

It appears that all people that have ever truly worked for Christ have had zest, enthusiasm and great enjoyment and fulfillment in working together as well as personal determination to “serve to the end” even when enduring great adversity.

ZionWorks’ mission is to warn and instruct the saints to meet the need to thrive independently of the  national and world socio-economic structure and agenda. This structure is also referred to as Babylon. The mission of ZionWorks is to bring workers together so they can associate, cooperate and reinforce each other in this giant enterprise as directed by Christ.

Our association with each other is intended, also, to unleash (rather than oppress) each person’s purpose, determination and energy. This is an action group answering the call to meet the need for the saints to be prepared for disasters and privations headed our way.

This enterprise will result in a Zionic situation among saints (and all Jesus calls “all believers”), a place of safety and refuge for the oppressed and beleaguered of the world to gather to and a populace prepared for Christ’s return. How desperately needed, now! Scriptures, prophecies, and world events have been instructing us to be about this business for centuries.

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The word Zion is associated with different things throughout the Doctrine and Covenants: There are over 50 references to “Land of Zion.” We find four references to “establishing Zion.” There are three references to the “cause of Zion” and two to “City of Zion.”

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