Onward to Zion

We Have the Promise that Jesus Will Come
Zion the Beautiful Beckons Us On
Let Us Be faithful , His Will Be Done
Zion the Beautiful Beckons Us On
Jesus the Savoir, Meeting the Throng
Oh May His Coming Be Not Delayed Long
To God Be the Glory , to Him be the Song
Zion the Beautiful Beckons Us On

These are the Latter Days! We have the promise; we have the vision. The challenge is how to get from here to there. Are there spiritual preparations to be made? Should we make temporal preparations? Is there a way to be actively involved in establishing the cause of Zion?

At Zionworks, our goal is learning to work together to support one another in our preparations for the days ahead. We want to leave the world (Babylon) behind and make ready whatever storehouses possible to facilitate that great gathering that will be seeking a place of refuge in anticipation of the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven and the Lord’s coming.

We have embarked on an exciting workday project designed to help us be supportive of one another in our efforts to be better stewards of the resources that God has gifted us. We are scheduling workdays at one another’s homes and also soliciting projects from other Christians committed to the Kingdom. We are praying for one another as we meet and work. We appreciate and encourage the many similar efforts among others and desire to work with other efforts, not apart from them. We extend an invitation to all.