Dedicated to the “Hands-On” Work Necessary
for the Physical Reality of the Kingdom of God on the Earth
Here is some brief information on Zion and each person’s role in engaging in building it and engaging in its joys, benefits, safety, freedom…and work!
To view or download a complete, printable PDF of this overview, Click Here.
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Who Is ZionWorks
ZionWorks is a grass roots association or gathering of individuals who are dedicated to the “hands-on” work necessary for the physical reality of the kingdom on the earth, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Christ’s term for this kingdom on the earth, when its participants are dedicated to uncompromised obedience to celestial principles is “Zion”.
It appears that all people that have ever truly worked for Christ have had zest, enthusiasm and great enjoyment and fulfillment in working together as well as personal determination to “serve to the end” even when enduring great adversity.
Our Mission
ZionWorks' mission is to warn and instruct the saints to meet the need to thrive independently of the national and world socio-economic structure and agenda. This structure is also referred to as Babylon.
The mission of ZionWorks is to bring workers together so they can associate, cooperate and reinforce each other in this giant enterprise as directed by Christ. Our association with each other is intended, also, to unleash (rather than oppress) each person’s purpose, determination and energy.
This is an action group answering the call to meet the need for the saints to be prepared for disasters and privations headed our way. This enterprise will result in a Zionic situation among saints (and all Jesus calls “all believers”), a place of safety and refuge for the oppressed and beleaguered of the world to gather to and a populace prepared for Christ's return. How desperately needed, now! Scriptures, prophecies, and world events have been instructing us to be about this business for centuries.
The Scriptures Tell Us Many Facts About Zion
The scriptures tell us many facts about Zion:
It will be a place of safety and refuge for the pure-hearted around the world who are suffering from oppression, privation and torture.
It will be a place of safety and refuge for the pure-hearted who would otherwise need to take up arms against their neighbors to try to survive.
There will be no laws but Christ’s laws there. When Christ returns, there will be no king/totalitarian or ruler there because Christ will be the ruler.
Those who fight against Zion will perish. Those contemplating or attempting to make an armed attack on Zion will be thwarted in their plans and attempts.
Zion will be a physical place, described as a city. As a city, it will, of course, need homes, water, sanitation, heat, roads and streets, farmers, doctors, carpenters, teachers, spiritual leaders, medical practitioners and all of the trades, occupations, industry and careers that make up a community that, through cooperation and righteous governance, thrives.
In time, its spiritual and economic/infrastructural success will result in its expansion to cover a large portion of what is today the continental United States. Besides the spiritual blessings that come to a righteous people, physical blessings of abundance come to a conscientious and enterprising people.
The work of Zion calls God’s people with their resources and needs to gather and work, under His direction, for the physical and spiritual establishment of His kingdom on the earth.
Today, however, the number one concern, the looming responsibility for Zionworks is physical survival. The safety and health of all people is in serious danger. Many people recognize that our way of life could come to an end at any time.
An EMP burst, cyber attack, or engineered socio-economic collapse could, and will end all commerce and all travel, end all procurement, distribution and sales of food, water, and fuel, of all medical assistance, emergency response and all safety, resulting in a mass die-off from starvation, exposure, disease, warfare and violence.
Many of us have known of this danger for years or decades, have seen it prophesied and have known of the need to be independent of Babylon. But few have actually developed an independent or self-sufficient life-style. Zionworks is a growing association of individuals who both recognize the state of national and world events and who are dedicated to the physical preparations for survival and for the thriving of God’s people.
Please tell others about ZionWorks. As ZionWorks continues to gather people and momentum, more work will get done. The website’s purpose is to inform the world about Zion, provide resources, educate, provide examples, and keep people in contact with each other, including a blog site.
We need people with all skills and abilities to follow God’s direction in establishing a wholesome and functioning community of interdependent people.
Zion Works Preparedness Guide
Here is a serious preparedness guide compiled from the scriptures and prophecy in the process of fulfillment. It is far from complete, as it would require volumes to be comprehensive.
Yet it contains the most fundamental information for initial and later stages of living independent of the socio-economic structure. It is a serious resource compiled from years of experience.
Since compiling this guide last November (2021), world and national disasters have snowballed, in fact, to the point that I believe it is urgent to STOCK UP NOW on food and survival necessities. Here is the guide. Please make at least one physical copy of it and keep it in an easily accessible place.
Compilation and comments by preparedness coordinator, Jim Huseby
Ready or not, our ways of safety and comfort are being destroyed. Here is added voice and witness of the events that are immediately ahead for the earth (in fact, which have already begun), how God has foretold them, and how his saints are instructed to live in and through them.
God has planned, from the beginning, the way for his people, his gospel, and his purposes to be preserved . It appears very clear that we have entered into the days of calamity, desolation and destruction.
Included here are some solid scriptures, expounded in logic, telling us how to live our lives through these dangerous and deadly times, through the fall of Babylon and into the time of Jesus’ return and the return of the Kingdom on the earth!
We are in trouble and tribulation. Similar to Poland in early 1939, when the populace and much of the leadership were going about their daily lives, hoping that the inevitable attack from the German Armed Forces would not happen-- we are at the beginning of the destruction of our culture, our safety, and our survival.
Prophecy tells us that the end of our lives, as we have lived, is in its final stages of planned destruction. We have seen and lived with the signs and movements toward this inevitable calamity for decades. And now, in recent months, the enemies of freedom and liberty are openly attacking and trying to destroy our culture, our safety, our health, our just government of the people and by the people, the Constitution, Christianity and the TRUTH.
We have seen Cuba, Argentina , Venezuela and many European and other countries fall to Communism. Now, Seattle, L.A., and other major U.S. cities are similarly falling to the enemies that are in collusion, or combined. Our own land is beginning to suffer the same horrors of degradation, loss of freedoms, financial collapse and death by disease, exposure, starvation and violence from mobs and government that all countries suffer when God is rejected or the ungodly reign. Babylon is falling, while at the same time, it attempts to enslave and destroy us. Revelation prophesies that it will fall in an hour! Rev. 14:8, 18:10,22
God tells us that our enemies are working together for the planned take-down of the United States of America. In 1831, Jesus spoke clearly and said, "...the angels are waiting the great command to reap down the earth, to gather the tares that they may be burned; and behold, the enemy is combined...ye hear of wars in far countries, and you say that there will soon be great wars in far countries, but ye know not the hearts of men in your own land." D&C 38:3c, 6b-c
God told us in 1835, "...prepare ye, prepare ye for that which is to come... Wherefore, I the Lord, knowing the calamity which is to come... the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand-when peace shall be taken from the earth, and the devil shall have power over his own dominion." D&C 1:3b, 4a, 6b. He told us in 1830 in D&C28:2d, “wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father that they shall be gathered in unto one place, upon the face of this land, to prepare their hearts, and be prepared in all things, against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth upon the earth”.
The combined enemy prophesied in 1831 refers to communism, international monetary cartels, Islam, people with greed for power, the U.N., international population reductionists, including major pharmaceutical companies, the main media, the U.N.,"The Cabal", and all those that are contemptuous of others' freedoms, liberty, and happiness.
This combined enemy is a huge and powerful beast; the same beast described in the book of Revelation. Here are some traits of the beast. You will see many, if not all, of these traits alive today: (taken from Rev. 13, 14, and 15)
- Given power from the dragon (Satan)
- All powerful in war
- A mouth given unto him to speak great things and blasphemies
- Blasphemes God, His name, His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven
-Given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. Power given him over "all kindreds, tongues and nations"
-"All that dwell on the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb ..."
-Does great wonders, such as making fire come down from heaven and deceiving people by means of miracles
- Has power to give life to the image of the beast and and make it speak
- Power given to it to kill all those who will not worship the image of the beast
- Causes all classes and classifications of people to receive a mark in the forehead or right hand
- so that no one without the mark can buy or sell
- The name of the beast or the number of the beast is the number of a man and is 666 (or totals 666)
- Those who worship the beast and receive his mark shall drink the wine of the wrath of God...and be tormented with fire and brimstone" in the presence of the holy angels and of the the Lamb" (That's interesting! See 1 Peter 3:18-20) forever with no rest
- Worshipers of the beast get scorched with fire and great heat, yet continue to blaspheme God. The beast's kingdom is full of darkness and the worshipers of the beast "gnawed their tongues for pain" and continued to blame God and blaspheme Him and refused to repent of their sins.
"...three unclean spirits, like frogs came out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are the spirits of devils, working miracles which go forth to the kings of the earth...to gather them to the battle of ...Armageddon"
What is Babylon? Babylon is well understood as what the secular world thinks, believes and acts upon. Babylon is the national and global socio-economic structure or model, including governments, cultures, infra-structures, commerce, economy, art, style, values, accepted behaviors and accepted practices.
It claims to be the culture that engenders and shares all of the spectacular achievements of man. It is the system of laws, beliefs, and practices, the seeming reality system perpetuated and enforced. Both prophecy and an alert look at trending world events tell us clearly that Babylon is collapsing. It can't recover now. It can't save itself. It will destroy you. It is clear that Babylon must, by design, destroy you...take your savings, take your freedoms, take all of you, even your ability to think and act for yourself and to provide for yourself.
The big question is, "Can you stay free and alive through the months and years, beginning now or sooner, to get through this tribulation and safely into a safe society “owned and operated” by serious, dedicated Christians?" How can you/we do it? How are we to mesh our resources and abilities with each other to emerge, with Christ, victorious?
Mighty prayer and surrendering of our less-than-Godly selves are the primary keys. God tells us, as a church, "Give each other strength, wisdom, courage, and peace".
There is a relatively current term for the collapse - "TEOTWAWKI" (The End Of The World As We Know It). Many people have been preparing for the collapse for decades, so there is a wealth of information and resources online, through books and publications, and many people actively prepping, willing to help.
Role models that have been living largely independently of Babylon for decades and more are the Amish, Native Americans, many of our friends in Central America, and people surviving around the world without post-1850 conveniences. Our independent life style may come to look much like that of our ancestor pioneers from the times of the Pilgrims until the very early 1900’s.
Prophetic Scriptures That Clearly Instruct and Inform
Here are a few prophetic scriptures that clearly instruct and inform:
D&C 45:4d and in that generation shall the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled; and there shall be men standing in that generation that shall not pass, until they shall see an overflowing scourge, for a desolating sickness shall come over the land;
D&C 63:9b I have sworn in my wrath and decreed wars upon the face of the earth, and the wicked shall slay the wicked, and fear shall come upon every man, and the Saints also shall hardly escape;
Gen7:69 And great tribulations shall be among the children of men, but my people will I preserve; and righteousness will I send down out of heaven, and truth will I send forth out of the earth, to bear testimony of mine Only Begotten; his resurrection from the dead; yea, and also the resurrection of all men.
D&C 108:2b,c
D&C4 45:12-14
D&C 38:3c-7a, 28:2d
The scriptures make it clear, and current events make it clear that we should have become independent of Babylon ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY YEARS AGO! Now, it will be a much more difficult task, but it must, and CAN, be done. The way is still open to us.
This is a major reason Christ restored his church in these latter days! God brought his everlasting gospel back out of the wilderness to dispel man-made darkness, to reinforce and add clarity to the Bible’s veracity and last-days prophecy, and to reveal to us, in our day, the living gospel and how to live in present-and-coming events. These are the days for which the Church has been commissioned!
Saints hope for, pray for, give their lives and actions for the day described by God: “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chron. 7:14. This condition, which we call Zion, is prayed for by all Christians, as Christ instructs all to pray: “...Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven...” Mat.6:10
Zion is to be a place of safety and refuge. It is a powerful thought, but I think it's true, that if the saints are humble and fully and busily committed to helping each other to apply and obey God's will to be independent of Babylon, that Zion will emerge as the result! We could be that close! " And it shall come to pass, among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword against his neighbor, must needs flee unto Zion for safety." D&C45:13a
God has promised the land for those who will serve and honor him. He tells us what will happen to those that fight against Zion:
D&C 45:13c says, “And it shall be said among the wicked, Let us not go up to battle against Zion, for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible, wherefore we cannot stand.”
Alma 21:17 says, "Thus saith the Lord God: Cursed shall be the land, yea, this land, unto every nation, kindred, tongue and people, unto destruction, which do wickedly, when they are fully ripe.
2 Nephi5:33-34 says, "Wherefore, they that fight against Zion and the covenant people of the Lord shall lick up the dust of their feet and the people of the Lord shall not be ashamed."
1 Nephi 7:30
Alma 8:28
How To Get Prepared
How to Get Prepared
As the heads of our households, we have the responsibility to see that our families are fed, clothed, kept warm, kept nourished, kept healthy, kept safe and kept loved. Long before winter arrives, we make sure the car has snow tires and a good heater, anti-freeze and a strong battery. We make sure we have ample firewood, LP gas or other heat sources assured to get us through a long, cold winter. We make sure the family has warm coats, hats, gloves, warm clothes, warm beds, and means for managing possible winter sicknesses.
We know winter is coming. Likewise, we have been given ample warning of the coming disasters of TEOTWAWKI. We need to make sure we can survive through the worst that could happen to our country as soon as in the next few days or weeks... and then into future months and years.
We will be having some serious meetings, classes and activities together to get ourselves better informed and efficient in independent living. Please bring your questions and your experiences. Also, look forward to some group shopping, group sourcing and cooperative work.
Now, let's have a look at a short-term list of survival necessities to get us through this winter and well into the growing season.
START-OUT LIST: A start out minimum
7 months food in storage
Source of emergency heat for home
Source of emergency heat for cooking
Source of off-grid water
Water purifier
Means of grid-down sanitation
Cash, precious metals
Home lighting, grid-down
Cooking oil
Whole grain flour
Means of communication
Medical needs
Personal hygiene needs
Duct tape
"Bailing" wire
Wood glue
Crazy glue
Polyethylene tarps for temporary roof and window repair
Survival plan for spring, summer , fall and winter of 2022, including seeds and gardening plan
Cleaning supplies
Laundry soap
That's the short list. If possible, the most sure and immediate way to fill the list would be to purchase these items. If your budget and income won't allow you to purchase all of these items at once, the preparedness committee can give you help and guidance.
There is a practical and money-saving way--stock up as you go. Consider it imperative to get started. If this disaster is likely to happen--and that's why we're talking about it, consider selling off some non-essentials to help fund your preparation. Also it is vital for those who are unable to prepare and survive to be helped or cared for by those of us who are capable. Don't be afraid to ask; don't be hesitant to give.
Suggestions For Limited Resources
Here are some other ways to get going if your resources are limited, like most of us:
- When you shop, buy two or three times what you would normally purchase. Your inventory will grow. Grocery prices are going up. They aren't going to come down. They will keep rising and become scarce and disappear, so you can't lose by stocking up--you save, because when you consume those groceries six months or a year or two from now, you will be consuming them at 10%-100+% less than the going price then. As an investment, this is low-to-no risk and very high gain whether or not we will be enduring severe crisis.
- Budget money every month for stocking up. Prioritize a certain amount ($100 or more each month).
- A wide range of water purifiers are available at Bass Pro. Some are very inexpensive. Large, very effective water filters/purifiers have been made since early time with rocks, gravel, and sand. Consider catching rain water in barrels.
- Candles are cheap, matches are cheap, “Bic” lighters are cheap. A small solar panel can be used to keep flashlight batteries charged.
- Propane-fueled camping stoves will work in an emergency. For extended use, many cans or larger bottles of propane will be needed. Of course, the source of propane will run out, so calculate how much you can safely and practically obtain and store.
- Medicinal. The best way to stay healthy is to eat healthy. Refined sugar is poison. Eliminate it from your diet if you want to stay well. It depletes your immune system. You are sure to be sick and susceptible to contagion if your immune system is compromised. Drink plenty of safe water. Eat fresh fruits, lots of veggies. Eat whole grains, not processed flour. Processed meats are bad for you. Soda pop is bad, artificial sweetener is bad. You don't need that stuff. Be strong, be resolute, be tough, no excuses. Your health is vital and it's your stewardship. God wasn't kidding around when he gave us Sec. 76 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Still, keep your medicine cabinet stocked up.
- Communication. Ham radio is highly recommended. Batteries can be kept charged by solar. Investigate the study and testing needed to get your ham radio license. Search for other means.
- Keep a low profile. In these situations, human nature and roving gangs kill for a bit of food.
- Consider a wood stove for alternative heat. They are dangerous, and difficult and costly to install. They require considerable labor to keep your house warm and you will get dirty with wood and ashes. It costs money/labor for the wood...yes, impractical, but they can keep you warm and alive, and they're fun to cook on.
- Keep your car's fuel tank full. Top up when down to 1/2 tank.
- Work cooperatively with other saints to achieve preparedness goals
Medium-Term Thrival/Survival (6 mo-2 yrs)
Looking ahead one-to-three years, we look forward to cooperative work and enterprise, including all areas of productivity, services and commodities. We can foresee cooperative farms and other businesses and industries. All able saints will have their special talents and abilities alive and engaged.
The elderly and infirm will be cared for. The saints will be able to run their lives and to work for each others' good. We will figure it out by obeying God's directions. Times will probably be very tough , but full of ingenuity, determination, fellowship, and hope. The storehouse will be vitally functioning.
Long Term
Zion may emerge from the saint's diligence and labor! We envision A CITY and stakes that are independent of Babylon in every area of life and industry, living entirely by celestial law. From the Center Place, it will expand geographically...Zion in action.
What Is A Storehouse
The storehouse is a means of storage for a variety of the saints’ necessities . These items include food, clothing, tools, household items, supplies, funds and land. The storehouse is carefully described in the scriptures as a resource for the church members, especially those that are committed to cooperative engagement in the “storehouse principle”. It is not an instrument for proselytizing or feeding the world. The church has its outreach and missionary programs, and it has its mercy and aid programs to physically help people from the neighborhood to the world.
This preparedness expedient is not one of those programs. This preparedness effort is for saints that are cooperatively dedicated to the storehouse principle as an integral component of the gospel. Think of its distinct purpose as similar to the purpose for the ark; the survival of the obedient and the preservation of the pristine gospel. If the world populace at the time of the ark had accepted that the flood was really coming (they had been warned by God through Noah’s powerful and continual preaching for decades!), they would have raided the ark and commandeered it or destroyed it for anything that would float or keep them alive.
Noah and crew would have been killed in the process or left to drown. God obviously protected and preserved his people. Passage on the ark would not have saved anyone’s soul or converted anyone to the gospel. It would have preserved their lives so that they could sabotage and wreck God’s purpose. By God’s direction, the flood was prophesied, the ark was built, the floods came. By God’s direction, we are to get prepared for another world cataclysm.
God still offers his warm message of the gospel to each person alive---through missionary effort, our witnessing and spirit-led ministry. For scriptural clarification, consult the topical concordance items: “Preserve ( my people will I)” and “Storehouse”. The storehouse is typically managed by the bishop or appointed agent.
As we progress in becoming independent of Babylon, we likely will be engaging many or most of the survival/thrival items and practices listed on the lists provided on the last pages of this letter. However, presently, we need to see to getting ourselves through the winter and into the growing season.
The preparedness committee has a sizeable library on practical living independent of Babylon and years of dedication to Zionic living. We are committed to helping individuals and the church survive and thrive through the tribulation. Contact us for help.
Index A: What To Expect
Inflation, then monetary collapse. Continuous spiralling inflation, hyper-inflation
Marshall law
Rioting, looting, violence
Deadly violence against Christians, see Rev.12:17, 13:7, etc.
Disease, pandemics
Biological war
Covid (and other) mandates, lock-downs, travel restrictions
More man-made pandemics with their intended fear tactics, lock-downs and removal of fundamental freedoms
Death from hypothermia and exposure to elements
Forfieture of personal money
Read Gen 7:74, Mat.24;18,34,37, Mark13:41, D&C5:3g,36:4b,45:4d
The “mark of the beast”. It looks like the character and purpose of the coming chip injection matches “the mark”
Index B: Things That Are Likely To Disappear
- All emergency response
- Commerce and commerce without “The mark of the beast”
- Communication by phones, by electronic media and possibly by mail
- Food
- Freedom, personal autonomy, community autonomy
- Home electricity
- Home heat
- Home/shelter, for many
- Means of sanitation
- Medical care
- Medicine
- Safe Water
- Safety in your home and away from home
- Travel
- Value of currency
Index C: Things To Stock Up On
- (All storable foods)
- “Bailing” wire
- “Krazy”glue
- Ability to pay taxes
- Anti-biotic ointment
- Apple pectin
- Barterables
- Candles
- Canned food
- Canned meats
- Cash (may de-value quickly)
- Cocoa powder
- Cooking heat source
- Cooking oil
- Cooking supplies
- Dried beans
- Dry, sealed, insect-proof moisture-proof
- Dry/cool/cold food storage
- Feminine products and for use as bandages
- First-aid supplies
- Flour (loses nutrition quickly)
- Food sources
- Gardening tools and necessities
- Gasoline w. Stabilizer
- Gold, silver, “junk silver”
- Good quality duct tape
- Group cooperation in storehousing many
- Heirloom seeds
- Home heat source
- Home maintenance supplies
- Honey
- Household cleaners
- Hygiene supplies
- Injury supplies
- Jellies and jams
- Kerosene w. Stabilizer
- Long-storage snacks
- Long-term food storage containers
- Matches, “Bic” lighters
- Means of communication
- Medical supplies
- MRE’s
- Non-GMO grains
- Oatmeal
- Out of debt
- Peanut butter
- Polyethylene tarps
- Powdered milk
- Powdered protien drink
- Power for equipment
- Powered fruit juice
- Preserved meats
- Rags, sturdy disposable rags
- Rope, twine, para cord
- Safe water supply
- Salt
- Source of income
- Spices, condiments
- Stable commodities
- Stevia
- storage for grains, etc
- Sturdy clothing
- Sturdy shoes/boots
- Un-ground corn
- Un-ground oats
- Un-ground wheat
- Walkie-talkies
- Water filter/purifier
- Water filter/purifier means
- Water sources
- Wood glue
Index D: Barterable Suggestions
- “Bic” lighters
- 22LR and other caliber ammo & reloaded
- All years nickels (higher melt value than face value)
- Antibiotics
- Aspirin
- Baby products
- Baggies, Saran wrap
- Band aids, bandages
- Batteries
- CandlesAnti-fungal ointment
- Chap stick, chapped skin ointment
- Diaper rash ointment, treatment
- Diapers
- Duct tape
- Feminine products
- Firewood
- Firewood delivery
- Foods (see list)
- Glues
- Gold, silver and pre-1965 coins (high silver content)
- Handyman services, personal skills
- Hardware, nails, screws, wire, etc.
- Household cleaners
- Lamp fuel in small containers
- Laundry soap
- Matches
- Alcohol
- medical skills
- Medicine cabinet items
- Out houses and constructors
- Packaged deserts
- Pen lights, flashlights, headlights
- Pepper, spices
- Plexiglass (for broken windows
- Pocket knives, fillet knives
- Re-chargeable lights
- Re-charged batteries exchange
- Salt
- Seeds
- Sickness remedies
- Skilled services
- Small or straw-type water filters
- Small solar set-ups w. batteries
- Small water purifiers
- Soap
- Stove pipe, elbows caps, adaptors
- Sugar
- Twine, rope, para cord
- Warm socks, gloves, coats, etc.
- Wood stoves
Index E: Vital Services That Will Be In Short Supply
- Armed security
- Burial services
- Carpentry
- Child care
- Courier/ messenger/mail
- Doctors
- Electrical power
- Electrician
- Farmers market
- Farming
- Funeral services
- Gardening
- General labor
- Green house
- Hair cutting
- Handyman services
- Mechanic
- Nurses
- Personal transportation
- Plumber
- Roofer
- Sewing
- Transportation of heavy loads
- Truck farming
- Welding
- Wood cutting, stacking, hauling
You add to the list
Your skills and abilities that would be valuable to community
Index F: Non-Powered Equipment
- Abrasive grinder wheels
- All hand tools
- Axes
- Drills with bits
- Egg beaters, food mixers
- Grain mills
- Hammers
- Mimeographs
- Saws
- Sewing machines
- Tire patches
- Tire pumps
- Two-man saws
- Type writers
- Washing machines
- Well pumps
Index G: Societal Needs
Many of these items are listed on the other lists.
- Commerce
- Doctor facilities
- Education
- Electrical power
- Emergency responders
- Equitably calculated exchange media/system
- Exchange of goods and services
- Fuels, as practicable: gasolene, kerosene, wood, coal, natural gas, LP gas, solar, wind, hydro, Low Temperature Differential, wood-gas (producer gas), alcohol, hydrogen, etc.
- Gathering for governing of community/city/county/state/nation
- Gathering of friends
- Gatherings for worship and prayer
- Group safety
- Hospital care
- Large-group cooperative work relationships
- Large-scale sanitation
- Large-scale water source and purification
- Municipal/state/national infrastructure
- Personal safety
- Police force
- Rotational power
- Small-group cooperative work relationships
- Spiritual ministry
This list and the other lists are valuable not only to get us prepared to survive and know what to be prepared for, but they also reveal opportunities for personal and group commerce and success.
Index H: Partial Topical Concordance On Living Through Tribulation
The scriptures are full and rich with this topic. This partial concordance represents a small percentage of scriptures dealing with living in these present and coming days.
BABYLON Rev.14:8, 18:10,21-22, 16:19, 17:5, D&C 108:2b
BISHOP D&C 41:3c, 42:8c, 58:11b, 72:3a-4c, 104:32a-34b
BURN/DAY J.S. vision, Malachi 4:1, D&C 28:2e
CALAMITY Ezek.5:5, Rev.14:4-7, Moroni 1:57, Eth.4:95, D&C 1:4, 45:8c
COMBINED (enemies complicit) D&C 38:3c, Rev. 19:19, Look up “combination” in 1828 dictionary, also see “SECRET OATHS, COVENANTS AND SOCIETIES”
CONSECRATION D&C 42:10a-19c, 51:2a-4a, 58:7b-d
CORRUPT GOVERNMENT 1st Sam. 8-15, Helaman 1:40-, Alma 51:2-5 (See KING, etc.)
DESOLATION Isa.5:9, 2N8:79, 2N10:9, 3N10:11
DESTRUCTION Jer.6:15, Mosiah 13:38, Alma 6:21-22, 17:57, 60-64, D&C 38:4a
FIGHT AGAINST ZION (those that) Isa.29:7-8, 1N7:30-42, 2N5:31-33, 2N7:19-26 (esp20,23), 2N17:118, D&C 45:13a-c
FLEE/ESCAPE D&C 38:7a, 63:9b, 108:4a-c
FREEDOM, FREE MEN, etc. Alma 23 all
GATHER/GATHERING D&C 28:2c-d, 38:7a, 42:3b, 10c, 45:12a-d, 57:1a-g, 5c-6g, 58:1a, 2c-3f, 7a-9a,f, 10, 12a-b, 83:1b, 108:2c
LAWS D&C 38:5b, D&C 112:1-11b
KING, GOVERNMENT, RULER, ETC. Isa. 9:7, D&C 38:2a-7a (or whole section), Mos.13:1,38-55, D&C 112:1-12a (King = totalitarian, dictator, emperor, caliph, etc.)
MARRYING AND GIVING IN MARRIAGE (life as usual) Mat.24:45
NEW JERUSALEM Gen. 7:70, Rev.21:2, 3N9:58, 10:3, Ether 6:3,5,6,10, D&C 42:3b, 10c, 18c, 12c, 83:1b, 108:10d
PREPARE Gen. 7:70, Mat.23:50-51, Heb.11:7, 1N3:8, Alma 3:53, 9:41,11:26,16:228, 19:23, D&C1:3b, 28:2d, 30:3b, 36:12f, 38:9c, 42:3b, 58:3c, 65:1c, 77:2d, 1o1:2d
PRESERVE (My people will I preserve) Gen.7:26,30,42,69, Job 36:6, Neh.2:19-20, Isa.54:17, Rev.9:4, Mat.24:31,55, 1N7:30, 1N1:173, 1N3:89-95, 1N7:30,36, 2N5:31,33,37,72,99, 7:20,23, 9:93, 12:90, 3N10:25, Jac.2:49, 3:49-53, Alma 1:106, 20:34,68, 21:17, D&C 34:4c,13c,14, 36:3e,12e, 42:10c, 51:2a-3c, 64:7b, 71:2g, 83:1, 101:1e-f, also see COVENANT PEOPLE
REFUGE/SAFETY/ESCAPE Rev.13:7-8, 19:18-21, D&C 3:1e, 38:7a, 45:12-14, 63:9b, 85:23b, 94:5d,f,
SAFETY D&C 36:3b, 45:12c, 13a, 112:1
SCOURGE/SICKNESS, desolating, overflowing Rev. 6:8, D&C 5:3g, 45:4d (Read 45:4a-15c), 94:5d,f, 83:16e-g
SECRET OATHS, COVENANTS AND SOCIETIES Gen. 5:14-16, 35-39, 6:11-14, 37:18, Isaiah 10:1-2, 28:14-15, 29:27-28, 37:3-8,15, 33:14-15, Jeremiah 7:5-7, Matt. 26:11-2, 25:58-60, Acts 23:12-14, 2N7:22, 11:1-4, 9-10, 15-16, Ether 3;78, 86-90, 93, 95-102, Mormon 4:8, 35, 55,
STOREHOUSE Ex.5:5-35, Mal.3:10, Rom. 12:13, 2Cor8:14, 9:5-14 esp. 12-13, Alma 1:40-46, 3N11:13, D&C 42:10a-11c, 51:2a-4a, 70:2a-4c, 3a-4c, 72:3a-4c, 81:4e-g, 106:1a, 2a
SWORD D&C 6:1b, 10:1b, 12:1b, 32:1b, 45:2a-15c, 49, 4f, 13 , 48:2a-d, 94:5f, 98:4b
TERRIBLE/TERROR/TERRORISM Ps. 91:5, Isa. 54:14, 1Pet.3:14, Rev.12:17, 13:7, Alma 20:59, 3N10:22, D&C5:3d, 45:12d, 13c, 15c, 112:6b
TODAY Mat. 24:4-56, Rev. 6:4..., Alma 1:18, 7:25, 8:28,31,40, 17:60, 27:48, Hel.2:64-65, 149-152, Ether 3:70,91,95-100, D&C 1:4a, D&C38:3c-6d, D&C 86:1, 94:5d, Study Revelation!
WAR(S) Mat. 24:25,29,30, Rev. 13:4-7, D&C 63:9b
WATCHMAN, WATCHTOWER, etc. Jer. 51:12, Ezek. intro., 33:6, Mat. 24:49-50, Lu.12:54, Rev.3:3, Mos. 7:78, Alma 10:28,109, 3N:9:70, D&C50:8g, 81:1e, D&C 98:4c-d, 102:5a,8d, 108:4d
ZION Gen.7:70, 1N3:187, 2N8:19, 8:68, 9:93, 11:108,118, 12:90-95, Mos. 7:78, 8:47,67, 10:28, 3N7:43, 9:86, D&C 12:25, 34:6a, 36:2h, 12g, 45:12d, 13a,c, 14,49:5b, 48:1, 51:1c-4c, 58:3c-f, 59:1b, 63:9d, 64:7, 8a, 70:4d, 81:4c-g, 83:8c, 87:8d, 94:5b, 97:1, 98:4d-h, 9f, 100:3, 117:11, 102:9b, 108:2a’ 128:8c, 140:5c
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The word Zion is associated with different things throughout the Doctrine and Covenants: There are over 50 references to “Land of Zion.” We find four references to “establishing Zion.” There are three references to the “cause of Zion” and two to “City of Zion.”
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