We never know what big or little events will happen in a week, a day or an hour; and even then, we may not recognize or appreciate their real significance for a minute, a day or even years. Some “little” events of this past week have turned out to be monumental steps toward the physical reality of the Kingdom and excite the mind and soul of all those who long for and work for its coming. There probably have been thousands of events this week that have excited, instructed and comforted Kingdom-seekers around the world. We would like to know about them, also. Here are some from close-to-home.
Last Sunday afternoon at Zarahemla Branch in Blue Springs, Bob Moore gave a presentation on the course to Zion with steps and work that must be done by those who will be a part of it. It included an outline that organized scripture and instructions that need to be implemented immediately. All those attending were in agreement and excited about investing and dedicating our souls, time, resources and energy to this pure expedient. This has been God’s will and he has been revealing and instructing his people to recognize the times and conditions for this to happen throughout all time, scripture and revelation. Though this last iteration of the Kingdom could have been accomplished by pure-heartedness in the recent past, its necessity now looms paramount.
Bob offered the use of six of his acres for a permaculture farm complex cooperative to be operated by those dedicated to the Kingdom and for the purpose of feeding Christ’s flock. A great incidental benefit of this kind of enterprise is the challenge and fulfillment of working cooperatively. Bob’s outline and proposal and a video of his presentation are available by contacting Zionworks and will be included in Zionwork’s website. All true efforts, past and present, to bring the kingdom-on-earth to reality, including Zionworks and its progress to date, have drawn from the same well or eternal blueprint.
Also at Zarahemla Branch, Sunday morning, a remarkable scriptural class conducted by Brad Gault illustrated and brought home the accuracy of prophecy of this exact time, instruction for our behavior, and reinforcement to the faithful and obedient, attended by the Spirit! All of these classes to date can be watched by going to Zarahemla Branch’s website.