We’re not the only ones who see the present urgency of Zion. Many other individuals and groups within the Restoration and without are working for the same preparedness goals and looking for others who see the signs and events of the last days. They see Christ’s guidelines in the scriptures for living independent of the world and preparing a place of safety and refuge for the innocent among us and around the world to gather to.
Three days ago, a new video was released that may reveal, by the clearest accounts, events and conditions in the nation and the world. Please watch this amazing 32-minute video. It can be accessed on Brighteon, Rumble and BitChute and is titled, “BREAKING POINT—Episode 1–Financial Collapse—Brighteon Documentary”.
Then consider by comparison, God’s government as described in D&C 38:3b-5b, 6a-d, D&C 112. Concerning purchasing and working the land of Zion, read D&C 63:8a-c, 9a-e !
ZionWorks must continue to work for the saints to apply all scripture having to do with Zion. Each of us (God’s context of “saints” applies to all people who are dedicated to him and to living by every word that proceeds from his mouth) have specific skills, talents, resources and needs that can be shared for the well-being and growth of Zion.
ZionWorks is getting more attention, credibility and enthusiasm within the Restoration as a group who believe and (hopefully) act as tasked with the specifics of “off-grid” survival under Christ’s direction. There is hope that all who that have active or latent hope and need for the fulfillment of the Kingdom will be energized and brought together.
Last Sunday’s meeting included an excellent presentation by Gary Metzger on the application of Zionic principles for home finance and getting out of debt. William Howen told about a dream from God on what Zion in operation was like. It was not what he or most of us imagine, in fact it made him very uncomfortable until he could let go of his own concepts. It was a good meeting with much energy about obeying God and the work of Zion.