Dear saints and all God calls “My People”, 

Under God’s instructions, with determined obedience and great personal effort, Enoch brought Zion to reality. The city of Zion thrived under pure celestial principles for three hundred and sixty five years and then was taken up into heaven. It is still up there waiting to come down again when Enoch’s posterity “shall embrace the truth and look upward”.

How far above us is it—or how close is it hovering above us? Is it close enough to look up or reach up and grasp it? I dare say that the concept of striving together for the establishment of Zion, this instrument of Zion, was hovering within reach to be grasped as an instrument, itself, for gathering out and coalescing individuals for the endeavor of actual Zion in this day.

It was not conceived by man, but it must be manned—populated by individuals wholly committed to Christ’s commission to the church to establish Zion. The church’s vital and overall commission in “all things Kingdom” is undiminished and unchallenged by ZionWorks, whose purpose it is to augment the church’s commission from God to “bring forth and establish my Zion”. 

“For over fifty years, President Frederick M. Smith , had been pleading with the membership, and the leadership in particular, the urgency to gather; to establish Zion in order to receive the endowment of the Holy Spirit; to witness to the world that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God; that in the New Jerusalem… reigned the Rule of Law of Perfectness; where all were tithed; where all surplus was consecrated to the perfection of the people and the City of Zion and its witness to the world. His entire life was saturated with the ESTABLISHMENT OF ZION.” Gerald Winholtz c. 1982 

“Just where it came from, let me repeat, I do not know, but always my faith, my ministry, has been dominated by this idea Zion; and so I have always been disposed to measure the progress of the church by its approach to this GREAT GOAL;… Zion fixes the religious position of this church. IF IT BE THAT ZION IS NOT THE GOAL, THEN THIS CHURCH HAS LITTLE REASON FOR EXISTING…It is the most attractive, the most soul-appealing goal I know of…” Frederick M. Smith